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XL-SCAN win the bid for China Telecom
تاريخ:2011-07-22   المشاهدات:1527

After win the bid for Henan Health Department project, XL-SCAN (SUNLUX) win another big tender--China Telecom Co.ltd Jiangsu subcompany tender.The tender number is JSYTZB11010 and the selected product is our powerful Sulux616A with 6803pcs.

The Sulux616A handfree barcode scanner with 32bit microprocessor make its scanning performance up to 100times/second. For various high-precision and worn barcode, Sulux616A can scan them rapidly. The key to get this tender is that Sulux616A can read the high-precision barcode quickly, also is that XL-SCAN pays great attention on the product innovation and quality. All the Sulux616A have been applied into their office now.

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